
Can-Care Makes Waves in Asia

During the GlobalHealth 2024 Asia-Pacific Summit, Can-Care Malaysia and Singapore received the award for “Excellence in Post Breast Cancer Care Solutions of the Year in Asia-Pacific”. Let’s hear from Tan King Mee, General Manager of Can-Care Malaysia, and Sr Eleanor Wong, Operations Lead of Can-Care Singapore, as they share about Can-Care’s journey leading up to this momentous occasion.

What went in your mind when you found out that Can-Care achieved Excellence in Post Breast Cancer Care Solutions of the Year in Asia-Pacific?

King Mee: I felt incredibly proud and excited. It’s great to see our hard work and dedication being recognised. It motivates us to keep improving our services.

Eleanor Wong: Happy to have achieved this award as it had demonstrated that Can-Care had kept the mission and vision of the commitment to enhance the lives of breast cancer patients and survivors as conceptualised in 1995 by one of its co-founders till date.

What do you think is the contributing factor that led to Can-Care being recognised this year?

KM: Our focus on patient-centered care and continuous innovation played a big role. Our team’s hard work, holistic care approaches, continuous education and strong partnerships were key factors.

EW: The contributing factor could well have been that Can-Care prioritises patients’ needs by offering a wide range of services including emotional support, survivorship programmes and building strong partnerships with healthcare providers, advocacy groups and community organisations.

Comparing the time when you first joined Can-Care, to this moment, how have things changed?

KM: Things have changed a lot since I joined. We’ve expanded our services, improved our education and training, enabling us to offer a higher standard of care. Our team has grown stronger and more skilled.

EW: We have had challenging moments establishing partnerships with new and current vendors, securing products that are not only fashionable and contemporary but also budget-friendly. We have also been more active in supporting appropriate events, with both Restructured and Private hospitals and NGOs conducting continuous medical education (CME) and extending awareness talks regarding post-surgery products for breast cancer.

Share with us the direction Can-Care is taking to further improve and expand the post-breast care solutions available.

KM: We are focusing on using more advanced technology and greater product variety, offering telehealth services and expanding our education programmes. We aim to establish more partnerships and continually update our care practices. Through ongoing innovation and service expansion, we strive to set new standards in post-breast cancer care.

EW: The direction is to shift from not only having a Cancer Product Retail-Oriented Identity but also to being a Cancer Support Healthcare Service Provider in Navi-Care, in that it involves personalised care and comprehensive support and navigation throughout the breast cancer patients’ and survivors’ journey.

What are your hopes for the future of Can-Care?

KM: My hopes for the future of Can-Care is for us to continue to lead in post-breast cancer care, expanding globally and keep innovating to reach and support more breast cancer survivors and patients worldwide. My vision is to foster a more inclusive and supportive community where survivors feel empowered and inspired. I hope Can-Care will continue to be recognised for providing excellent and compassionate care, supporting more survivors along the way.

EW: My hopes are that Can-Care not only provides support in post-care to breast cancer survivors but also continues to spearhead the ‘Navicare Programme’, working with the centres to train patient navigators. These trained patient navigators can optimise patients’ and caregivers’ experiences, enhancing their overall well-being by delivering high-quality, centered care such as helping them navigate the complexities of the healthcare system, providing emotional support and connecting them with the appropriate resources and services.