It has been less than 5 years since Integrated Oncology Centres (IOC) made its astonishing foray into the healthcare industry in Asia. This period of time has been filled with innovations and challenges. We now proudly introduce the key accomplishments we have achieved over the years.

HKIOC's Grand Opening
July 2015Grand opening of Hong Kong Integrated Oncology Cancer Centre (HKIOC), marking the first of its kind integrated daycare oncology centre in Hong Kong and in Asia.

HKIOC’s Strategic Collaboration with HKAOC
October 2016HKIOC signs strategic collaboration with Hong Kong Adventist Oncology Centre (HKAOC), a significant milestone in strengthening the integrated concept of cancer management in Hong Kong.

IOC Spreads Its Wings To Surabaya
January 2017IOC marks its foray into Eastern Java with Adi Husada Cancer Center (AHCC) opening its door in Surabaya. The centre is in partnership with Rumah Sakit Adi Husada.

IOC Opening in Philippines
August 2017IOC spreads its wings into the Philippines with the opening of its first private cancer centre, The Cancer Center at Mother Teresa of Calcutta Medical Centre (TCCMTCMC) in collaboration with Mt Grace Hospitals located in Pampanga, Philippines.

AHCC’s Grand Opening
December 2017Grand opening ceremony of Adi Husada Cancer Centre (AHCC).

IOC in Hanoi
June 2018IOC welcomes Hung Viet Cancer Hospital in Hanoi as part of the group.

Hung Viet Cancer Hospital Wins Award
September 2018Hung Viet Cancer Hospital voted by consumers as “2018 Golden Brand for Product, Service and Quality”.

AHCC Wins Award
December 2018AHCC awarded “Best Integrated Healthcare Provider of the Year” in Indonesia.

IOC in Kowloon
February 2019IOC marks another breakthrough with the opening of its Kowloon centre.

Beacon Hospital Joins IOC
November 2020IOC welcomed Beacon Hospital, the largest clinical oncologists group in a private hospital in Malaysia.

IOC Opens Breast Centre in Singapore
March 2021IOC opens first one-stop private centre comprising Luma Women’s Imaging Centre and Solis Breast Care and Surgery Centre in Singapore dedicated to breast health.